Wednesday, December 29, 2010

24th birthday!!

I have had an amazing 24th birthday with my husband to be and sweet baby boy!!! Jake surprised me with beautiful earrings and we have spent the day with family! What memorable birthday.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

2 wk picture's and 1 mo.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Guardian Angel : Leah West

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jude's announcement!!!!

Jake and I thought that it was about time Jude's Birth announcement

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bringing our son home

I can not express to you how great it was to bring Jude home this evening. Ashley and i were quite concerned about how Izzy (our dog) was going to react to him being in the house. But to our amazement, she smelled him a little bit. And then went to find her ball. I held him for some time on the couch till he started getting hungry. Then Ashley took him and fed him while I went a made us dinner. We ate by candle light while he slept in his bouncy chair. Ashley is sleeping on the couch now waiting
for Jude to wake for yet another meal. 


A few last hours

I'm struck at how fast this year has gone by. Seems just like yesterday I was driving in the middle of a blizzard in a rental car on hwy 75, as i29 had been closed down. And here I am now just a few hours away from being able to bring my son home from the NICU. I truly can not believe how fast this time has gone by.

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Location:Sergeant Rd,Sioux City,United States

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Last night in the NICU

As I watch mom and son catch up on some on some sleep. I'm reminded of how blessed we are to have been chosen to be the parents of this child. I can't help but wonder what great things are in store for him, and how we can help prepare him for those things. I wonder how old he'll be when he breaks his first bone. Or what kinds of things he'll be interested in as boy. (Hoping big trucks) If he'll have his moms singing voice and not mine. I wonder if he'll get such a kick out of watching the dog jump into the lake to fetch her ball.
There are so many things that I wonder about. But right at this moment, all I wonder about are his dreams.

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Location:Pierce St,Sioux City,United States

Another day. Another bath

Jude enjoying a bath.

After my bath I got weighed again. I came in today at 8.15lbs!!!

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Location:Pierce St,Sioux City,United States

Sleeping away

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Location:Pierce St,Sioux City,United States

Almost done

My son gets to come home!!!!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sleeping with daddy

Sleeping with daddy 

No more blue

As of this morning Jude has been taken off the billy lights. His Billy ribbon is down to 6. So we are very happy about that!  Jude was also circumcised this morning. So I kind of feel for him on that front. He is now wearing clothes!!! We really can't believe how much better Jude has been getting in the last few days. We are so thankful for your thoughts and prayers. 
Oh. I almost forgot. Jude is expected to be coming home on Wednesday of Thursday!!!! 
So once again. We thank you for you prayers!!! 
Jake, Ashley & Jude

So if Jude's CRP levels are far enough down he will be coming home on Wednesday after 4:30pm!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

After a 20 min pep talk from daddy. Jude decided he wanted to try eating from the other boob. Of which mommy was very happy about! Lol.
We got to bathe Jude this evening. But with having an iv tube in his head we had to be pretty careful. Jude is know weighing in at 8lbs 16oz. So he has lost a little bit of weight. But I have no doubt he'll gain and then some very shortly!!

Jude the dude

We are back up at the hospital with Jude. We came in to seeing his antibiotic tube in his head. It's was kind of hard to see. But we know that he needs it. The nurse told us that they were considering an oral antibiotic, so we would be able to administer that at home. They thinking that might be able do that on Thursday. So we are hoping, but trying not to hope too much.
I think that hardest thing for Ashley and I is knowing that they do not know if he still/ever did have a blood infection. But they just have to treat it like he does cause of the signs he showed for it.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

here are just a couple of photos from today.
Jude decided that he did not like having a splint on his arm for his antibiotic tube anymore. so he made them take it off. (lol) however. they are going to have to put it back in. hoping the will not have to put it in his head.
breast feeding has been going really good so far. ashley is waking up every 3 hrs during the night so she can pump. that way while we are at home, Jude does not have to have any formula to drink.

Back in the NICU

We are back today for the 2nd time to feed Jude. We are actually quite thankful izzy (our dog) does not like the mail. Cause if she hadn't barked. We would still be at home sleeping. Jude is getting a treatment of phototherapy for a slight case of jaundice. They are going to continue the antibiotics for the next few days. So that is what is going on. Ashley & I are very tired. But I suppose that is to be expected.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

2nd day of life

Jude was taken up to the NICU around 11pm on the 10th. They took him because he was breathing heavily and some sort of an infection. They did a spinal tap to test him for meningitis. it can back negative. so they started him on 2 general antibiotics. he seems to be doing better. but we will not be able to bring him home for awhile. in the meantime both ashley and baby are doing their best to rest. we will be going home late tonight sometime and back up here early saturday morning to try feeding again and spend time with him. which will most likely be our schedule for quite sometime.thank you all for you thoughts and prayers. jake for ashley and jude